Private Investment programs.
Oversea Finance Company is pleased to offer qualified applicants the following private investment programs.  

The programs are as follows: 
Corporate Bonds Commercial backed obligations. 
-  Term of program 5 years min with roll extensions.
- Anticipated return 40% to 60% per annum.
- Program under full management for investor.

Precious Metals trading contract program asset backed.
- Term for program min 5 years with extensions.
- Anticipated returns 35% to 45% per annum.

Industrial Metals trading contract program asset backed. 
- Term for program 5 years with extensions.
- Anticipated returns 35% to 45% per annum.

Precious Gems and Stones trading contract program asset backed.
- Term for program min 5 years with extensions.
- Anticipated returns 35% to 45% per annum.

Crude Oil trading contact program asset backed.
- Term for program 5 years with extensions.
- Anticipated returns 40% to 55% per annum.

Unleaded gas trading contract program asset backed.
- Term for program 5 years with roll extensions.
- Anticipated returns 40% to 55% per annum.

Please note, all information sent will be kept strictly confidential along with your identity. This is rigorously enforced within our group and all members of staff are bound to this policy and comply with the Non-Disclosure obligations.

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